Klassenfahrt Zypern
Die Insel der Götter
ab 315 € pro Person
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Park Beach Hotel
Programmvorschlag für diese Reise
Über ihre Zypern-Fahrt erstellte die Klasse der Europäischen Schule I aus Brüssel einen wundervoll verfassten Bericht, dessen Anfang wir Ihnen gerne hier vorstellen:
"If you are among the dreamers, and you can almost feel the wind of the wild turquoise sea on your face even on a cold Brussels day, then you are one of us. Welcome to our realised dream of visiting the island of Cyprus; a beautiful, culture-filled, summer-smelling little country with new discoveries down each and every cobble-stoned street. From its split capital city, to its beautiful mythology-seeped locations, Cyprus was by far the highlight to our sixth year. With our incredible tour-guide and well-thought program, not a minute was wasted when uncovering Cyprus’ many secrets.
Our journey started in Larnaca, as we landed after a four-hour planeride filled with anticipation and chatter with both new and well-known people. Directly from the airport, we met our tour guide for the week, Dena, and our designated bus driver. As we travelled to the city-centre of Larnaca, we were able to pass the everyday life surroundings of a Cypriot and it is easy to say we all fell in love. The sea, the Greek-style architecture, the palm trees, the religious buildings, everything made the town so unique to us. After having been given free time to eat and discover the beach side town for ourselves, Dena brought us to visit the Church of St.Lazarus of typical practice in the town. This location radiated riches and beauty with its many gold religious ornaments decorating the room and towering the ceilings. Including the ground-floor visit, we were able to explore the tomb area underneath the altar of the Church, filled with ancient tombs engraved in Ancient Greek [...]"